Tuesday 13 December 2016



Ayurveda is a science with deep insight and keen observation. It has a vast historical background and is being flourishing in the Indian subcontinent since time immemorial. The concepts laid down in Ayurveda are highly philosophical with a divine back up. Understanding the principles of Ayurveda requires thorough reading, patience and in-depth thinking. Everything to maintain our gifted life and longevity in this world has been described beautifully with great accuracy and care. Superficially it looks like simply using herbs and minerals for ailments. But there is actually much more to it which is mostly hidden from the present world. Mankind has much to benefit from Ayurveda and we ought to give due respect to this brilliant science.


Scriptures of Ayurveda have been written in Sanskrit and therefore decoding of this language is necessary to understand it. The word “Ayus” means ‘life’ and “Veda” means ‘knowledge’. In short, the knowledge about life is what Ayurveda aims at. A comprehensive data from the beginning of life in the womb of the mother and all aspects until death is available here.


Ayurveda is thought to have a divine origin directly from God to sages which is quiet hard to believe for many. The astonishing fact is that, the information collected and recorded by these sages and transferred to their students, on cross checking and researching, is found to be correct without error. It is impossible for a man or even a group to research and record such a huge data in one’s life time. Thus there is definitely an element of God deeply buried in this science.


The primary aim of Ayurveda is to maintain equilibrium of the body constituents in order to keep up health. The structural and functional components of the body are termed as Doshas, Agni, Dhatus and Malas. A balance of these entities will lead to pleasantness of soul, sense organs and mind bestowing sound health, a condition called as Swasthya.
There are three doshas in our body namely Vaatha, Pitha and Kapha. They are the functional aspects. There are seven dhatus in our body namely Rasa, Raktha, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majjaand Sukra. They are the structural components. Proper formation of these components and homeostasis of the three doshas are maintained by a properly functioning Agni (digestive fire). The waste products of metabolism are termed as malas. They are mainly Pureesha, Mootra and Sweda. Derangement in the function of doshas due to their increase or decrease, irregularities in Agni, or improper formation of dhatus and malas can lead to diseases. Different types of permutation and combination in derangement of doshas and dhatus can lead to any number of ailments. It is not mandatory that a disease is named but what is mandatory for the physician is identification of the vitiated components and the pathway (srotas) of vitiation. Management aims at reversing this pathogenesis and pacification of the vitiated components. Improper functioning of agni also leads to the formation of aama. Aama are undigested matter which becomes toxic to body on accumulation and leads to various ailments. Most diseases characterized as due to unknown cause is primarily due to such accumulated toxins which should be digested if in small amounts or else should be eliminated out of the body by means of the five cleansing therapies of Ayurveda called as Panchakarma.
Prevention of ailments: Prevention of new ailments and avoiding recurrence of once cured conditions is given at most importance. Everything top to bottom to maintain a healthy life has been elaborated and the area concerned with this aspect is called as Swavthavritta. Wellness of mankind is the ultimate goal. A detailed description about the daily routines to follow (Dinacharya) and regimens as per the climatic conditions (Ritucharya) are available. Health of both body as well as mind is essential since both are interrelated. Regular exercise (Vyaayaama) is necessary and suppression of natural urges is to be avoided.

For details visit http://cfaarhealth.com/ayurveda/

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